Axapta : Query Properties







AllowCheck = If set Configuration keys and Security keys will be validated at runtime.
Form = Specifies the Axapta form used for the query dialog. This is normally not



Interactive = Specify whether the query dialog is shown to the user.
Literals = Choose either default, forceliterals or forceplaceholders. All statements



which are frequently executed should use forceplaceholders and



forceliterals can be used against non-frequent skewed data.
Name = AOT name of the query.
Title = Caption for the query.
UserUpdate = Defines whether user settings to the query are saved.




Data sources



AllowAdd = If disabled, the user can not add or delete table ranges. The same applies for



sorting fields.
Company = Fetch data from a specify company. It is normally not used, as the user



expect data to be fetched from the active company.
Enabled = Should the data source be enabled or disabled. If disabled, it will be ignored



in the sql statement.
FetchMode = Only joined data sources has this property. Can be used to change a one to



many relation to one to one relation. This property is not used very often. In



the most cases the property JoinMode will be sufficient.
FirstFast = Should the first record be fetched faster than the remaining records.
FirstOnly = Only select the first record.
JoinMode = How should the data sources be joined.
Name = AOT name of the data source.
OrderMode = Choose either order by or group by. This will influence the way data is



ordered or grouped from the database.
Relations = If enabled, relations between this data source and the data source one level



above will be added using the actual data model.
Update = If set to yes, the record will be fetched forupdate allowing the record to be







Fields =


Dynamic = Show default all fields for the table. If the reports order mode is group by,



the property will be set to no, and only aggregated values can be chosen for



the Fields node.




Sorting fields



AutoHeader = Should a group title be printed each time the value in this field changes.



Only used by report queries.
AutoSum = Should a sum be printed each time the value in this field changes. Only



used by report queries.
HeaderDetailLevel = Used in report queries by the property AutoHeader. Default a header is



printed when the value of the sorting field changes. The property can be



used to determine for which part of a field an index break should occur.



Fields using the characters dot, space, dash, back slash forward slash



consists of several sub fields. If the value of customer account is



“CUST100.10 “, the field value consists of two subfields. Setting



HeaderDetailLevel to 2 will cause an index break to occur, when the value



after the dot is changed.
Ordering = Set the ordering to either ascending or descending.
SumDetailLevel = Used in report queries by the property AutoSum. Default a header is printed



when the value of the sorting field changes. The property can be used to



determine for which part of a field an index break should occur. Fields



using the characters dot, space, dash, back slash forward slash consists of



several sub fields. If the value of customer account is “CUST100.10 “, the



field value consists of two subfields. Setting SumDetailLevel to 2 will



cause an index break to occur, when the value after the dot is changed.







Enabled = If disabled, the range will be ignored.
Label = This is the label of the range field.
Name = AOT name of the range.
Status = Choose either open, locked or hide. If open, the range can be modified and



deleted. If locked, the range can not be modified or deleted. If hidden, the



range will not be shown in the query dialog.
Value = Fixed value for the range.


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