Axapta : Form Properties
Property | Type |
| Description |
Form data source |
AllowCheck |
| = | If set Configuration keys and Security keys will be validated at runtime. |
AllowCreate |
| = | Enables inserting new record for the data source. |
AllowDelete |
| = | Enables deletion of table records for the data source. |
AllowEdit |
| = | Enables editing of table records for the data source. |
AutoNotify |
| = | Should be disabled if the form query is not used. Used by the form query, |
| but seems as have no effect if only disabling this property. |
AutoQuery |
| = | If disabled, the application user will not be able to use the query dialog, |
| filter and search options for the data source. |
AutoSearch |
| = | Should the records be fetched automatically at startup. |
Company |
| = | If specified, records will be fetched from this company. |
CounterField |
| = | Used to define a counter for the records inserted using the data source. |
| CounterField can be used if records must be sorted as inserted by the |
| application users. A field of the type real must be created in the table used |
| by the data source. This field must be selected for the property |
| CounterField. MorphX will automatically set the counter value when a |
| record is inserted. The form SalesTable makes use of the CounterField |
| properties when inserting sales order lines. |
DelayActive |
| = | If set, code execution and linking will be delayed when scrolling through |
| records. This will improve performance. |
Index |
| = | Index used for sorting and fetching records. |
InsertAtEnd |
| = | If set, new records will be inserted at the end. |
InsertIfEmpty |
| = | A new record will be inserted if the data source query does not find any |
| records. |
JoinSource |
| = | The joined form data source. |
LinkType |
| = | This property is used in combination with JoinSource. LinkType defines the |
| join mode used when joining two data source. |
Name |
| = | The name of the form data source. |
OnlyFetchActive |
| = | This will instruct the query of the form data source only to fetch the values |
| of the fields used in the form. |
StartPosition |
| = | Should the form data source show the first or the last record. |
Table |
| = | The table used in the form data source. |
Form Data Source Fields |
AllowAdd |
| = | Allows the user to add this field in the user setup. |
AllowEdit |
| = | Enables editing of the value in the control. |
Enabled |
| = | Should the control be enabled. |
Mandatory |
| = | If set, a value must be specified by the user in the field. |
Skip |
| = | Should the control be skipped when tab is pressed. |
Visible |
| = | Used to hide the control. If the follow controls are auto positioned, the |
| controls will be adjusted. |
Form Design Group Controls |
AlignChild | All | = | Should this control be included in the |
| adjustment of the group control it is |
| contained in. |
AlignChildren | All | = | If set, controls which are contained in |
| this control will be aligned according |
| to each other. |
AlignControl | All | = | This setting will adjust the controls |
| according to the longest label. |
AllowEdit | All | = | Enables editing of the value in the |
| control. |
AllowUserSetup | All | = | Enables user settings for this control |
| element. |
ArrangeMethod | All | = | Set the orientation for the arranged |
| controls. |
ArrangeWhen | All | = | Specify when the controls in the |
| design must be arranged. |
AutoDataGroup | Group | = | If enabled, the control can only |
| contain fields from the group |
| specified in the property DataGroup. |
AutoDeclaration | All | = | If set to Yes, the form design node |
| can be referred from X++ by using |
| the section name. |
BackgroundColor | All | = | RGB value or name of Windows |
| color scheme item. |
BackStyle | All | = | Set the background for the control to |
| transparent. Used if the background |
| color of bitmaps should not be |
| shown, or to set the color of the |
| background for the control data to the |
| color set with the property |
| BackGroundColor. |
Bold | ButtonGroup | = | Set the bold level for control data. |
| Group |
BottomMargin | All | = | Sets the margin below the control. |
| Caption for the control. |
Caption | ButtonGroup | = |
| Group |
| TabPage |
ColorScheme | All | = | Specify whether to use RGB colors, |
| or Windows color scheme. |
Columns | All | = | Number of columns in the control. |
| The contained controls will be |
| arranged in this number of columns. |
Columnspace | All | = | Set the space between columns. |
ConfigurationKey | All | = | Used to specify a Configuration Key |
| for the control. |
DataGroup | Group | = | Field group name. |
DataSource | All | = | Data source which is used in the |
| control. Data will be retrieved from |
| this data source. |
DragDrop | All | = | Enables drag and drop in the control. |
Enabled | All | = | Should the control be enabled. |
Font | ButtonGroup | = | The font to be used for the design. If |
| Group |
| not specified the default font is used. |
FontSize | ButtonGroup | = | The font size to be used for the |
| Group |
| design. If not specified the default |
| font size is used. |
FrameOptionButton | Group | = | Determines whether the frame should |
| contain a button. |
FramePosition | ButtonGroup | = | Sets the placement of the frame. |
| Group |
FrameType | ButtonGroup | = | Which type of frame must surround |
| Group |
| the control. |
Height | All | = | Set a fixed height for the control. |
HelpText | All | = | Help text that will be displayed in the |
| status bar. Will override help text |
| specified for a field or an extended |
| data type. |
HideIfEmpty | All | = | Hides the control if it is empty. |
Italic | ButtonGroup | = | Set the label to italic. |
| Group |
LabelBold | Group | = | Set the label to bold. |
LabelFont | Group | = | Set the font for the label. If not |
| specified the default font will be |
| used. |
LabelFontSize | Group | = | Set the font size for the label. If not |
| specified the default font size will be |
| used. |
LabelItalic | Group | = | Set the label to Italic. |
LabelUnderline | Group | = | Underline the label text. The property |
| LabelLineBelow is used to set a line |
| below in the full width of the label. |
Left | All | = | Set the control to a fixed position |
| calculated from left. If controls are |
| horizontal aligned and one control is |
| set to a fixed position, all controls |
| must be fixed. |
LeftMargin | All | = | Set a left margin for the control. |
Name | All | = | Name of the control. |
NeededAccessLevel | All | = | Required access level to activate this |
| control. |
OptionValue | Group | = | Value to be used with the property |
| FrameOptionButton. Used to set the |
| default value if FrameOptionButton |
| is set to Check or Radio. |
RightMargin | All | = | Set a right margin for the control. |
SecurityKey | All | = | Used to specify a Security Key for |
| the control. |
SelectControl | Tab | = | Should the first control be activated |
| when changing tab page. |
ShowTabs | Tab | = | If disabled, the tabpages will be |
| hidden. |
SizeHeight | ButtonGroup | = | Should all the buttons in the |
| buttongroup have the same height. |
SizeWidth | ButtonGroup | = | Should all the buttons in the |
| buttongroup have the same width. |
Skip | All | = | Should the control be skipped when |
| tab is pressed. |
Tab | Tab | = | Active tabpage when the form is |
| opened. |
TabAppearance | Tab | = | Defines how the tabpages are shown. |
| TabPage |
TabAutoChange | Tab | = | Does not work. Should allow using |
| TabPage |
| the tab key to go to the following |
| tabpage. |
TabLayout | Tab | = | How the tabpages should be |
| arranged. The option Tunnel cannot |
| be used for forms as this is a features |
| used by the web framework. |
TabPlacement | Tab | = | Defines where the tabpages are |
| placed. |
Top | All | = | Set a fixed position for the control |
| calculated from the top of the |
| previous control. |
TopMargin | All | = | Set the margin above the control. |
Underline | ButtonGroup | = | Set the label to be underlined. |
| Group |
VerticalSpacing | All | = | Space above and under the control. |
Visible | All | = | Used to hide the control. If the follow |
| controls are auto positioned, the |
| controls will be adjusted. |
Width | All | = | Set a fixed width for the control. If |
| set to default, the extended data type |
| will set the width. |
Form design |
AlignChild |
| = | Should this control be included in the adjustment of the group control it is |
| contained in. |
AlignChildren |
| = | If set, controls which are contained in this control will be aligned according |
| to each other. |
AllowDocking |
| = | Can the window be docked. |
AllowUserSetup |
| = | Enables user settings for this control element. |
AlwaysOnTop |
| = | Should the form be displayed as the front most window. |
ArrangeMethod |
| = | Set the orientation for the arranged controls. |
ArrangeWhen |
| = | Specify when the controls in the design must be arranged. |
BackgroundColor |
| = | RGB value or name of Windows color scheme item. |
BottomMargin |
| = | Sets the margin below the control. |
Caption |
| = | Caption of the form. This will appear in the title bar of the form. |
ColorScheme |
| = | Specify whether to use RGB colors, or Windows color scheme. |
Columns |
| = | Number of columns in the control. The contained controls will be arranged |
| in this numbers of columns. |
Columnspace |
| = | Set the space between columns. |
DataSource |
| = | Data source which is used for the control. Data will be retrieved from this |
| data source. |
Font |
| = | The font to be used for the design. If not specified the default font is used. |
Frame |
| = | This property defines the appearance of the frame around the form. |
Height |
| = | Set a fixed height for the form design. |
HideIfEmpty |
| = | Hides the design and only shows the title bar, if empty. |
HideToolbar |
| = | Hides the toolbar containing buttons for navigating and viewing documents |
| for the record. |
Imagemode |
| = | Controls how the background image must be shown. See property |
| ImageName. |
ImageName |
| = | Name of the image to be used as background in the form. |
ImageResource |
| = | Name of the resource to be used as background in the form. |
LabelFont |
| = | Set the font for the label of the control elements. If not specified the default |
| font will be used. |
Left |
| = | Set a fixed horizontal position for the form. |
LeftMargin |
| = | Set the left margin for the design. |
Mode |
| = | Seems to have no effect. This is a property used by the predecessor to |
| Axapta for setting write access on forms. |
NeededAccessLevel |
| = | Seems to have no effect. NeededAccessLevel is normally defined using the |
| menu items, as the help text for this property also state. |
RightMargin |
| = | Set the right margin for the design. |
SaveSize |
| = | Saves the size of the form design and uses this the next time the form is |
| displayed. |
SetCompany |
| = | Would you like to set the company when the form is activated. |
TitleDatasource |
| = | If enabled, the title fields of the data source will be shown in the caption of |
| the form. |
Top |
| = | Set a fixed vertical position for the form. |
TopMargin |
| = | Set the top margin for the design. |
Visible |
| = | Used to hide the entire design. |
Width |
| = | Set a fixed width for the form. |
WindowResize |
| = | Enables or disables window resizing. |
WindowType |
| = | Used to change the form to a popup form. A popup form cannot be resized. |
Type controls |
ActiveBackColor | Grid | = | RGB value or name of Windows color |
| scheme item. |
ActiveForeColor | Grid | = | RGB value or name of Windows color |
| scheme item. |
AlignChild | Design | = | Should this control be included in the |
| adjustment of the group control it is |
| contained in. |
AlignChildren | Design | = | If set, controls which are contained in this |
| control will be aligned according to each |
| other. |
AlignControl | All | = | This setting will adjust the controls |
| according to the longest label. |
Alignment | DateEdit | = | Align the control data. Can be used to left |
| IntEdit |
| align control data, when controls are |
| RealEdit |
| positioned vertical. |
| StaticText |
| StringEdit |
| TimeEdit |
AllowEdit | All | = | Allows editing the value in the control. |
AllowNegative | IntEdit | = | The property is used to prevent negative |
| RealEdit |
| values to be entered by the user. |
AnimateFile | Animate | = | The name of the .avi file that should be |
| played in the control. |
AppendNew | ComboBox | = | If set to Yes, the user can manually add |
| new elements. |
ArrayIndex | ComboBox | = | If the selected field or method is an array |
| DateEdit |
| a single element of the array can be |
| IntEdit |
| specified to be used only. |
| Listbox |
| RadioButton |
| RealEdit |
| StringEdit |
| TimeEdit |
AutoArrange | ListView | = | Should icons be arranged automatically. |
AutoDataGroup | Grid | = | If enabled, the control can only contain |
| fields from the group specified in the |
| property DataGroup. |
AutoDeclaration | All | = | If set to Yes the properties for the control |
| can be referenced from X++ by using the |
| control name. |
AutoInsSeparator | RealEdit | = | Seems to have no effect. Should allow |
| disabling auto inserting decimals. |
AutoPlay | Animate | = | Starts playback of the video file |
| automatically. |
BackgroundColor | Button | = | RGB value or name of Windows color |
| CheckBox |
| scheme item. |
| ComboBox |
| CommandButton |
| DateEdit |
| Grid |
| IntEdit |
| Listbox |
| ListView |
| MenuButton |
| MenuItemButton |
| RadioButton |
| RealEdit |
| StaticText |
| StringEdit |
| Table |
| TimeEdit |
| Tree |
| Window |
BackStyle | Button | = | Set the background for the control to |
| CheckBox |
| transparent. Used if the background color |
| ComboBox |
| of bitmaps should not be shown, or to set |
| CommandButton |
| the color of the background for the |
| DateEdit |
| control data to the color set with the |
| IntEdit |
| property BackGroundColor. |
| Listbox |
| ListView |
| MenuButton |
| MenuItemButton |
| RadioButton |
| RealEdit |
| StaticText |
| StringEdit |
| TimeEdit |
| Tree |
| Window |
Bold | Button | = | Set the bold level for control data. |
| ComboBox |
| CommandButton |
| DateEdit |
| IntEdit |
| Listbox |
| ListView |
| MenuButton |
| MenuItemButton |
| RadioButton |
| RealEdit |
| StaticText |
| StringEdit |
| TimeEdit |
| Tree |
Border | Animate | = | Typography of the frame belonging to the |
| Button |
| control. |
| ComboBox |
| CommandButton |
| DateEdit |
| IntEdit |
| Listbox |
| ListView |
| MenuButton |
| MenuItemButton |
| RealEdit |
| StringEdit |
| TimeEdit |
| Tree |
BottomMargin | Grid | = | Set the margin below the controls data. |
| MenuButton |
| RadioButton |
| Table |
ButtonDisplay | Button | = | Determines whether text, image or both |
| CommandButton |
| should be displayed and also the location |
| MenuButton |
| of it. |
| MenuItemButton |
CanScroll | ListView | = | Enables scrolling. |
| Tree |
Caption | ActiveX | = | Caption for the control. |
| HTML |
| RadioButton |
Center | Animate | = | If set to Yes, the video clip will be |
| centered in the control. |
ChangeCase | StringEdit | = | Used to set the control data to lower case |
| or upper case. |
CheckBox | ListView | = | If enabled, a checkbox will be shown for |
| Tree |
| each row in the control’s data. |
ClassName | ActiveX | = | The name or GUID of the class or object |
| HTML |
| to be used. |
ColorScheme | Button | = | Specify whether to use RGB colors, or |
| CheckBox |
| Windows color scheme. |
| ComboBox |
| CommandButton |
| DateEdit |
| Grid |
| IntEdit |
| Listbox |
| ListView |
| MenuButton |
| MenuItemButton |
| RadioButton |
| RealEdit |
| StaticText |
| StringEdit |
| Table |
| TimeEdit |
| Tree |
| Window |
Column | Table | = | Sets the active column. |
ColumnHeader | ListView | = | Determines whether a header will be |
| shown for the columns. |
ColumnHeaderButton | ListView | = | If enabled, the column headers will |
| function as a button. Only when Viewtype |
| is set to Report. |
ColumnImages | ListView | = | If enabled, each object in a column can |
| contain an image. |
Columns | RadioButton | = | Number of columns in the control. The |
| Table |
| contained controls will be arranged in this |
| numbers of columns. |
ComboType | ComboBox | = | The type of combobox. |
Command | CommandButton | = | Command to be used when clicking on |
| the button. |
ConfigurationKey | All | = | Used to specify a Configuration Key for |
| the control. |
Custom | ActiveX | = | This property must be used if a custom |
| Html |
| ActiveX property editor should be used. |
DataField | CheckBox | = | Select a field from the selected data |
| ComboBox |
| source. Instead of selecting a field, a |
| DateEdit |
| display method can be specified in the |
| IntEdit |
| property DataMethod. |
| Listbox |
| RadioButton |
| RealEdit |
| StaticText |
| StringEdit |
| TimeEdit |
| Window |
DataGroup | Grid | = | Field group name. |
DataMethod | CheckBox | = | Select a display or edit method to be used. |
| ComboBox |
| If the method is from a table, the data |
| DateEdit |
| source must be specified in the property |
| IntEdit |
| Table and the method must exist either on |
| Listbox |
| the data source connected to the table or |
| RadioButton |
| the table itself. |
| RealEdit |
| StaticText |
| StringEdit |
| TimeEdit |
| Window |
DataSource | CheckBox | = | Data source which is used in the control. |
| ComboBox |
| Data will be retrieved from this data |
| DateEdit |
| source. |
| Grid |
| IntEdit |
| Listbox |
| MenuItemButton |
| RadioButton |
| RealEdit |
| StaticText |
| StringEdit |
| TimeEdit |
| Window |
DateDay | DateEdit | = | Specify how day is shown. Windows |
| regional settings are used as default. |
DateFormat | DateEdit | = | Set the date format. Windows regional |
| settings are used as default. |
DateMonth | DateEdit | = | Specify how month is shown. Windows |
| regional settings are used as default. |
DateSeparator | DateEdit | = | Set the date separator. Windows regional |
| settings are used as default. |
ateValue | DateEdit | = | If specified, this date will be used as |
| default in the value of the control. |
DateYear | DateEdit | = | Specify how year is shown. Windows |
| regional settings are used as default. |
DecimalSeparator | ReaLEdit | = | Specify the decimal separator. Windows |
| regional settings are used as default. |
DefaultButton | Button | = | If enabled, this is the standard button. |
| CommandButton |
| MenuButton |
| MenuItemButton |
Direction | Progress | = | Sets either horizontal or vertical direction. |
DisabledImage | Button | = | Will show the bitmap at the specified path |
| CommandButton |
| if the button is disabled. The property |
| MenuButton |
| ButtonText must be set to show images. |
| MenuItemButton |
DisabledResource | Button | = | Will show the specified resource bitmap if |
| CommandButton |
| the button is disabled. The property |
| MenuButton |
| ButtonText must be set to show images. |
| MenuItemButton |
DisplaceNegative | IntEdit | = | Adjust the position of negative values |
| RealEdit |
| printed. |
DisplayHeight | DateEdit | = | Sets the maximal number of lines to be |
| IntEdit |
| shown at one time for the control. |
| RealEdit |
| StaticText |
| StringEdit |
| TimeEdit |
DisplayLength | ComboBox | = | Sets the maximal number of characters to |
| DateEdit |
| be shown at one time for the control. |
| IntEdit |
| Listbox |
| RadioButton |
| RealEdit |
| StaticText |
| StringEdit |
| TimeEdit |
DragDrop | All | = | Enables drag and drop in the control. |
EditLabels | ListView | = | Enables user editing of labels in the |
| Tree |
| control. |
Enabled | All | = | Should the control be enabled. |
EnumType | ComboBox | = | Specity an enum to be used for the control |
| Listbox |
| if a field or a method is not specified. |
| RadioButton |
ExtendedDataType | ComboBox | = | Specify an extended data type for the |
| DateEdit |
| control if a field or a method is not |
| IntEdit |
| specified |
| Listbox |
| RadioButton |
| RealEdit |
| StringEdit |
| TimeEdit |
Font | Button | = | The font to be used for the control data. If |
| ComboBox |
| not specified the default font is used. |
| CommandButton |
| DateEdit |
| IntEdit |
| Listbox |
| ListView |
| MenuButton |
| MenuItemButton |
| RadioButton |
| RealEdit |
| StaticText |
| StringEdit |
| TimeEdit |
| Tree |
FontSize | Button | = | The font size to be used for the control |
| ComboBox |
| data. If not specified the default font size |
| CommandButton |
| is used. |
| DateEdit |
| IntEdit |
| Listbox |
| ListView |
| MenuButton |
| MenuItemButton |
| RadioButton |
| RealEdit |
| StaticText |
| StringEdit |
| TimeEdit |
| Tree |
ForegroundColor | Button | = | RGB value or name of Windows color |
| CheckBox |
| scheme item. |
| ComboBox |
| CommandButton |
| DateEdit |
| IntEdit |
| Listbox |
| ListView |
| MenuButton |
| MenuItemButton |
| RadioButton |
| RealEdit |
| StaticText |
| StringEdit |
| TimeEdit |
| Tree |
| Window |
FormatMST | RealEdit | = | Format the value using the settings for the |
| standard company currency. |
FramePosition | RadioButton | = | Sets the position of the frame. |
FrameType | RadioButton | = | Which frame type must surround the |
| control. |
GridLines | Grid | = | Show lines in the grid. Only valid by |
| ListView |
| control type ListView when the property |
| Table |
| ViewType is set to Report. |
HasButtons | Tree | = | If enabled, + or – is shown if the control |
| node can be expanded. |
HasLines | Tree | = | This will draw lines for each row in the |
| data of the control. |
Headerdragdrop | ListView | = | Enables drag and drop for the header in |
| the control. |
Height | All | = | Set a fixed height for the control. |
HelpText | All | = | Help text that will be displayed in the |
| status bar. This value will override the |
| label entered at the table field or extended |
| data type. |
HideFirstEntry | ComboBox | = | Hides the first data entry. |
| Listbox |
| RadioButton |
HighlightActive | Grid | = | If enabled, the selected line will be |
| marked with a color. |
Imagemode | Window | = | Controls how the background image must |
| be shown. See property ImageName. |
ImageName | Window | = | Name of the image to be used as |
| background in the control. |
ImageResource | Window | = | Specify an image resource id to be shown. |
Italic | ComboBox | = | Set the font to italic for the control data. |
| CommandButton |
| DateEdit |
| IntEdit |
| Listbox |
| ListView |
| MenuButton |
| MenuItemButton |
| RadioButton |
| RealEdit |
| StaticText |
| StringEdit |
| TimeEdit |
| Tree |
Item | ComboBox | = | Seems to have no effect. The property |
| Listbox |
| Selection is used to set the default entry. |
| RadioButton |
| Is disabled if an enum is specified for the |
| control. |
ItemAlign | ListView | = | Seems to have no effect. Should be |
| aligning the items in a list control to the |
| top or to the left. |
Items | ComboBox | = | Is disabled if an enum is specified for the |
| Listbox |
| control. Can be used for manually set the |
| RadioButton |
| number of entries for a radio button |
| control. |
Label | CheckBox | = | Used to override the default label from |
| ComboBox |
| the field or extended data type. The label |
| DateEdit |
| will not be displayed, if the property |
| IntEdit |
| ShowLabel is set to false. |
| Listbox |
| RealEdit |
| StringEdit |
| TimeEdit |
| Window |
LabelAlignment | CheckBox | = | Align the label of the control. |
| ComboBox |
| DateEdit |
| IntEdit |
| Listbox |
| RealEdit |
| StringEdit |
| TimeEdit |
| Window |
LabelBold | CheckBox | = | Set the label to bold. |
| ComboBox |
| DateEdit |
| IntEdit |
| Listbox |
| RealEdit |
| StringEdit |
| TimeEdit |
| Window |
LabelFont | CheckBox | = | Set the font for the label. If not specified |
| ComboBox |
| the default font will be used. |
| DateEdit |
| IntEdit |
| Listbox |
| RealEdit |
| StringEdit |
| TimeEdit |
| Window |
LabelFontSize | CheckBox | = | Set the font size for the label. If not |
| ComboBox |
| specified the default font size will be |
| DateEdit |
| used. |
| IntEdit |
| Listbox |
| RealEdit |
| StringEdit |
| TimeEdit |
| Window |
LabelForegroundColor | CheckBox | = | RGB value or name of Windows color |
| ComboBox |
| scheme item to be used for the label of the |
| DateEdit |
| control. |
| IntEdit |
| Listbox |
| RealEdit |
| StringEdit |
| TimeEdit |
| Window |
LabelHeight | CheckBox | = | This property is not working. Should be |
| ComboBox |
| used to set the height of a label. |
| DateEdit |
| IntEdit |
| Listbox |
| RealEdit |
| StringEdit |
| TimeEdit |
| Window |
LabelItalic | CheckBox | = | Set the label to Italic. |
| ComboBox |
| DateEdit |
| IntEdit |
| Listbox |
| RealEdit |
| StringEdit |
| TimeEdit |
| Window |
LabelPosition | CheckBox | = | Position the label above or to the left. |
| ComboBox |
| DateEdit |
| IntEdit |
| Listbox |
| RealEdit |
| StringEdit |
| TimeEdit |
| Window |
LabelUnderline | CheckBox | = | Underline the label text. |
| ComboBox |
| DateEdit |
| IntEdit |
| Listbox |
| RealEdit |
| StringEdit |
| TimeEdit |
| Window |
LabelWidth | CheckBox | = | Used when the property LabelPostion is |
| ComboBox |
| set to Left. Set a fixed width for the label. |
| DateEdit |
| IntEdit |
| Listbox |
| RealEdit |
| StringEdit |
| TimeEdit |
| Window |
Left | All | = | Set the control to a fixed position |
| calculated from left. |
LeftMargin | Grid | = | Set a left margin for the control. |
| MenuButton |
| RadioButton |
| Table |
LimitText | DateEdit | = | The maximal number of characters that |
| IntEdit |
| the user can enter in the control. |
| RealEdit |
| StringEdit |
| TimeEdit |
LinesAtRoot | Tree | = | This will draw lines for the root row in |
| the data of the control. |
| When should the control have a lookup |
LookupButton | DateEdit | = | button. |
| IntEdit |
| RealEdit |
| StringEdit |
| TimeEdit |
Loops | Animate | = | Number of times to play the movie clip. |
| Setting to zero will cause the movie clip |
| to be repeated. |
Mandatory | DateEdit | = | If set, the field must be filled out. |
| IntEdit |
| RealEdit |
| StringEdit |
| TimeEdit |
MenuItemName | MenuItemButton | = | Name of the menu item. Only menu items |
| of the type defined in the property |
| MenuItemType can be selected. |
MenuItemType | MenuItemButton | = | Type of the menu item. |
MultiLine | StringEdit | = | Should the value of the data control be |
| able to contain several lines. |
MultiSelect | Button | = | In a grid, it determines whether several |
| CommandButton |
| rows can be selected at one time. In other |
| Grid |
| types of controls, the control will be |
| MenuButton |
| disabled if several rows are selected and |
| MenuItemButton |
| this property is not enabled. |
Name | All | = | The name of the section. This is the name |
| used from X++ to refer to the section, |
| when the property AutoDeclaration is set. |
NeededAccessLevel | Button | = | Required access level to activate this |
| CommandButton |
| control. |
| MenuButton |
| MenuItemButton |
NoOfDecimals | RealEdit | = | Set the number of decimals to be shown. |
NormalImage | Button | = | Will show the specified resource bitmap if |
| CommandButton |
| the button is enabled. The property |
| MenuButton |
| ButtonText must be set to show images. |
| MenuItemButton |
NormalResource | Button | = | Will show the specified image if the |
| CommandButton |
| button is enabled. The property |
| MenuButton |
| ButtonText must be set to show images. |
| MenuItemButton |
OneClickActivate | ListView | = | Activate with just one click. |
PasswordStyle | StringEdit | = | If set, the value of the control will be |
| shown as *. |
Pos | Progress | = | Start position for progress bar. |
ProgressType | Progress | = | Seems as having no effect. |
RangeHi | Progress | = | Maximum value for the progress bar. |
RangeLo | Progress | = | Minimum value for the progress bar. |
RealValue | RealEdit | = | Sets the default value for the control. |
ReplaceOnLookup | DateEdit | = | Should the value entered in the control be |
| IntEdit |
| replaced when a new value is selected on |
| RealEdit |
| lookup. |
| StringEdit |
| TimeEdit |
RightMargin | Grid | = | Set a right margin for the control. |
| MenuButton |
| RadioButton |
| Table |
RotateSign | IntEdit | = | Used to invert negative values. |
| RealEdit |
Row | Table | = | Active row. |
Rows | Table | = | Number of rows in the control. |
RowSelect | ListView | = | Can rows be selected. |
| Tree |
SaveRecord | Button | = | Should the record be saved by the system |
| CommandButton |
| when activating this control. |
| MenuButton |
| MenuItemButton |
SearchMode | DateEdit | = | Sets the search mode on how to find |
| IntEdit |
| records when typing. |
| RealEdit |
| StringEdit |
| TimeEdit |
SecurityKey | All | = | Used to specify a Security Key for the |
| control. |
Selection | ComboBox | = | Sets the initially selected item. |
| Listbox |
| RadioButton |
ShowColLabels | Grid | = | Should column labels be shown. |
| Table |
ShowLabel | CheckBox | = | If set to No, the label will not be |
| ComboBox |
| displayed. |
| DateEdit |
| IntEdit |
| Listbox |
| RealEdit |
| StringEdit |
| TimeEdit |
| Window |
ShowRowLabels | Grid | = | Should column labels be shown. |
| Table |
ShowSelAlways | ListView | = | Should the object selection be maintained |
| Tree |
| when focus is changed. |
ShowShortCut | Button | = | If enabled, a shortcut will be reserved and |
| CommandButton |
| shown in the label of the control. |
| MenuButton |
| MenuItemButton |
ShowZero | IntEdit | = | Defines whether zero values must be |
| RealEdit |
| shown. |
SignDisplay | IntEdit | = | Set how to display negative values. |
| RealEdit |
SingleSelection | ListView | = | Allow more than one object to be selected |
| Tree |
| at a time. |
Skip | All | = | Should the control be skipped when the |
| tab key is pressed. |
Sort | ListView | = | Defines how the sorting of elements is |
| performed. |
Step | Progress | = | Number of steps in each iteration. |
Text | Button | = | Enter the text to be shown. |
| ComboBox |
| CommandButton |
| Listbox |
| MenuButton |
| MenuItemButton |
| RadioButton |
| StaticText |
| StringEdit |
ThousandSeparator | RealEdit | = | Specify the thousand separator. Windows |
| regional settings are used as default. |
TimeFormat | TimeEdit | = | Set the time format. Windows regional |
| settings are used as default. |
TimeHours | TimeEdit | = | Specify whether to show hours. Windows |
| regional settings are used as default. |
TimeMinute | TimeEdit | = | Specify whether to show minutes. |
| Windows regional settings are used as |
| default. |
TimeSeconds | TimeEdit | = | Specify whether to show seconds. |
| Windows regional settings are used as |
| default. |
TimeSeparator | TimeEdit | = | Set the time separator. Windows regional |
| settings are used as default. |
Top | All | = | Set a fixed position for the control |
| calculated from the top of the previous |
| control. |
TopMargin | Grid | = | Set the margin above the control. |
| MenuButton |
| RadioButton |
| Table |
TrackSelect | ListView | = | Should the object be selected when the |
| Tree |
| cursor is moved over the control. |
Transparent | Animate | = | Should a transparent background be used. |
TwoClickActivate | ListView | = | Require activation with double click. |
Underline | Button | = | Underline the control data. |
| ComboBox |
| CommandButton |
| DateEdit |
| IntEdit |
| Listbox |
| ListView |
| MenuButton |
| MenuItemButton |
| RadioButton |
| RealEdit |
| StaticText |
| StringEdit |
| TimeEdit |
| Tree |
Value | CheckBox | = | Specifiy the initial value. |
| IntEdit |
| MenuItemButton |
| TimeEdit |
VerticalSpacing | All | = | Space above and under the control. |
ViewType | ListView | = | Specify how objects are represented |
| visually. |
Visible | All | = | Used to hide the control. If the following |
| controls are auto positioned, the controls |
| will be adjusted. |
VisibleCols | Grid | = | How many columns should be visible. |
VisibleRows | Grid | = | How many rows should be visible. |
Width | All | = | Set a fixed width for the control. If set to |
| default, the extended data type will set the |
| width. |